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Worship Ministry

Why does the Lord invite us into a place of worship? The Lord, in ​H​is mercy, designed it for us to find our fullest expression in life standing before ​H​im accepted, delighted in, and ministering unto Him in thanksgiving and praise. God always chooses the best. If God, in loving us, chooses to design us as worshippers, then what's the point? You always become like what you worship. There’s nothing ​H​e could want more for us than for us to become like Him. With that in mind, He designed us to be worshippers. We've drawn a line in the sand and said, "This is why we’re alive, this is our supreme responsibility, our great God-given opportunity to be those who minister to the Lord."

Bethel Valparaiso’s Worship Teams Goals

Contact the Team

Bethel Valparaiso worship consists of passionate worshippers. We are a ministry that desires to balance both heart and excellence. Our hope is that through our worship, every heart will be “wakened by the touch of God.”

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” – John 4:23

We believe that God has given us gifts to serve Him. We are always looking for uniquely gifted musicians, vocalists, technical and creative people to join us in leading powerful times of worship on Sundays. If you interested in contacting the team click the button below to get in touch with us.

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