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Bethel Valparaiso Superkids

Children are an important part of our family. We recognize them as the church of tomorrow, but believe they can play a key and dynamic role within the church today. Jesus welcomed children openly and was eager to bless them. He even instructed the grown-ups around Him to become like children in order to advance the kingdom of God. We believe in training and supporting children in becoming faith-filled believers who are motivated to love God and serve others with all their hearts.

First Time Visiting?

We’re so glad you’re joining us for children’s church this weekend. If this is your first time with us, please read on to get an idea of what to expect on your first visit.

Sunday Service

Our nursery starts at 9:50 and Sunday SuperKids service begins at 10:30am. You can register your family prior to the service in the lobby.

If your children have not checked in to SuperKids before, please complete the registration in the lobby.


6 months - 24 months

The nursery is located in the lobby. Nursery is open from 9:50AM - 12:00PM.

Parents may drop their children off before worship begins and leave them through the remainder of the service. Parents may check on their child as desired, but will be contacted if there is a problem via our text message paging system.

Children will spend their time playing with a variety of age appropriate toys and books available, and plenty of loving care and a Bible song or video will be offered. A changing table and diapers are available, if needed.

A nursing mom’s area is available in the back of the sanctuary.


Kindergarten - 5th grade

SuperKids classroom is located in the lobby, immediately to the left. SuperKids begins at 10:30am and you can pick your children up after the service. Please bring your pick up ticket.

Each Sunday children will participate in a time of kid corporate worship where children are encouraged to connect their hearts with God as they sing songs about God’s love, the amazing things He can do, and how good God is!

Following worship, all classes will enjoy learning from the same main point, memory verse, and Bible story through age appropriate games, crafts, movies, hearing God, and object lessons.

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